Trekkie Trivia Night
Test your Star Trek knowledge and win prizes!
Thursday, November 21
6:30pm - 8:30pm
In-Store Trivia Event
Beam me up, Scotty! Join our Starfleet in a night of Star Trek trivia and find out if you are as smart as a Vulcan! Win awesome prizes and shop some Star Trek artwork from local artists.
Hosted by your local comic book store Comic-Kazi and featuring USS Wildrose, we've got a fun night planned for you with our game host Russel Skeet of USS Chinook! This event is free to attend, and all are welcome! It would be highly illogical of you to not bring a friend 🖖
💫 6:30pm - Meet Calgary's Star Trek fan clubs USS Chinook and USS Wildrose, shop Star Trek artwork and merch
👽 7:30pm - Trivia Begins
Trivia will be played using your smart devices, so be sure to have them charged! Come in cosplay to receive a bonus 🎁
More details will be posted on our Facebook Event Page as we get ready for take off! 🚀
Free parking. All are welcome, bring a friend!