Celebrating 30 Years!

Star Wars Bust-Ups Series 6 Assorted Mystery Box 2 Inch Tall Figures
Star Wars Bust-Ups Series 6 Assorted Mystery Box Figures
Star Wars Bust-Ups Series 6 Assorted Mystery Box Figures
Star Wars Bust-Ups Series 6 Assorted Mystery Box Figures

Star Wars Bust-Ups Series 6 Assorted Mystery Box Figures

Regular price $7.95CAD Sale

GENTLE GIANT STUDIOS Star Wars Bust-Ups series continues, bringing to life charcters from the most beloved science fiction/fantasy epics of all time. This sixth series features characters from one of the most popular sequences from Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, the Mos Eisley Cantina sequence of alien beings and Han Solo. Figure stands approximately 2-3 inches tall and comes in several plastic pieces that fit together like a kit. Mystery box packaging.